
Member state NL
Case study Green Well BV
Region>City>location Westland, horticulture region in the west of the Netherlands
Owner Green Well BV
Installed capacity
( MWth)
10 MegaWatt
Installed geothermal capacity 10 Megawatt
DH length
1,5 km
Inhabitants connected 10 horticulture companies 
 Operating Temperature of the DH 86 degrees Celsius
Temperature of the geothermal ressource
(production – injection)
86 degrees Celsius production and
35 degrees Celsius injection
Geothermal flow
186 m3
Production of heating and/or cooling Only heat
Others uses
(drinking water, cascade uses…)
Dates of begining and end of construction Sept 2011-dec 2012
Planing of the operation
(from pre-studies to full completion)
Start in 2007
Running since dec 2012
Investement for
geothermal well
€10 mio 
Investement for
DH network and substation
Owner is prudent with sharing this information
(banks, funds, PPP…)
Rabobank as bank
Funding programmes
Amount of Subsidies
if any
€ 2,25 mio
Difficulties faced Geologic uncertainty
Material use
Design of the project
Financing and risks
Cost of the produced MWh CoP of 30 (used electricity and produced geothermal energy)
Cost of the MWh sold Max. is  price level of Dutch  Heat Act (€ 254,– once per year and € 24,03 per GJoule)
Comparison with fossil energies  Only by funding!
Pay back 15 years
Innovation if any First geodh project (cluster within horticulture)

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