Overview of geothermal district heating market in 2012

The geothermal District Heating (GeoDH) market has enjoyed a renewed momentum in the last 3 years. Currently, there are 216 GeoDH systems in operation in Europe, with a total installed capacity of 4,900 MWth (i.e. 200 MWth increment from 2011). The 157 GeoDH systems installed in the EU-27 display a total installed capacity of 1622 MWth.

These are some of the findings of the EGEC Geothermal Market Report 2012 which was launched on December 4th 2012 at GeoPower Europe in Budapest, Hungary.

To get an idea of the content, you can take a look at the informative presentation on Geothermal District Heating Market in Europe given at the official launch reception of the Market Report: EGEC Market Report 2012: Geothermal District Heating Market in Europe by Miklos Antics, GPC IP

You can find more information about the EGEC Geothermal Market Report 2012 here! 


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