European Conferences on Geothermal District Heating

This page contains links to the presentations given at the European Conference on Geothermal District Heating (22/09) and the Geothermal Panel Meeting with a focus on Geothermal District Heating (23/09)

European Conference on Geothermal District Heating: 22 September PM

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Session 1: Geothermal District Heating Systems in Europe

Moderator: B.Sanner (European Geothermal Energy Council)

14:15 – 14:35 Prospective for geothermal district heating in Europe: Philippe Dumas (European Geothermal Energy Council)

14:35 – 14:55 Geothermal DH potential in Europe: Annamaria Nador (MFGI, Hungary)

14:55– 15:15 Prospective for district heating infrastructure in Europe: Eloi Piel (EuroHeat & Power)

Session 2: Financing Geothermal District Heating Systems

15:15 – 15:30 Introduction to the session: Christian Boissavy (AFPG, France)

15:30 – 16:30 Session on Financing (roundtable)

Moderator: Andrej Kitanovski (Slovenian District Heating Association)


Elianne Demollin (NZUID, Netherlands)

Maud Skaringer (EC-DG regional policy)

Morten Hofmeister (Green Energy, Denmark)

Padraig Hanly (GT energy, UK)

Christian Boissavy (AFPG, France)

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break

Session 3: Regulations for Geothermal District Heating Systems

17:00 – 18:00 Session on Regulation (roundtable)


Mariana Ivanova (UBBSLA, Bulgaria)


Eva Hoos (EC-DG Energy)

Beata Kepinska (PASMEERI, Poland)

Lorenzo Spadoni (AIRU, Italy)

Miklos Antics (GPC IP, France)

18:00-18:10 Conclusions of the day: Burkhard Sanner (EGEC)

Geothermal Panel Meeting with a focus on Geothermal District Heating: 23 September AM

View the agenda

9:00 Welcome

9:10-10:10 Session 1 – Geothermal heating and cooling technologies: how to realise the potential in Europe

Philippe Dumas (EGEC): Findings of the GeoDH project
Roundtable Moderator:
Pierre Ungemach (Geothermal panel)


Philippe Dumas (EGEC)
Nicolas Fevrier (TP DHC+)
René Verhoeven (Minewater Heerlen)
Ivan Kocis (Chaiman of the Board, AGEO)

10:10 -10:30 Session 2 – Q&A on Horizon 2020: Energy WP 2015

Susanna Galloni (EC –DG Research)
Antonio Aguilo (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – EASME)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:40 Session 3 – EGS technology, new opportunities for DH: The three NER300 projects

Christian Boissavy (AFPG)

Larus Holm (Mannvit )
Antoine Cordray (Fonroche)
Aline von Düring – Martin Schmid (von Düring Group -Eco-Center Langenbruck)
Discussion on the Horizon 2020 calls on EGS

12:40-12:50 Conclusions of the day
Burkhard Sanner (EGEC)

These events were preceded by:

Rescuing Europe from energy dependency: the role of renewables.’ Policy Conference: 22 September AM.

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