National workshop in London a great success: presentations now online!

GeoDH National Workshop in United Kingdom was held on October 15th 2012 in London just before the UK  Deep Geothermal Symposium. On the day, the Rt Hon. Gregory Barker gave his backing to geothermal developments in the UK. Welcoming the EGEC GeoDH workshop to remove barriers and describing it as ‘timely’, the climate change minister explained that the government has a “continuing interest and practical action across the deep geothermal sector.” 

A number of geothermal heating projects are underway in the UK, and the minister acknowledged this building momentum. He described the decarbonisation of heating as a key element in the 80% emissions reduction target by 2050. Geothemal power was commended for its low environmental impact and the highly reliable base load it produces. Stating that he ‘wanted to do more for deep geothermal power’ he acknowledged the need to find new ways to support geothermal development. You can read the speech in full here.

The presentations from the GeoDH workshop are now available online here!

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